Services & Consultancy


We provide our customers with services such as certificate management, anti-phishing, and training courses that can help them in their daily work.

Certificate Management Service – CeMan

Certificate management is a time-consuming specialisation that can distract organisations from their core business. Wesentra can help organizations with certificate management in many different ways.

Certificate management can be customised for each customer. We can, for example:

  • Help organizations to process certificates and deliver them to subscribers

  • Take full responsibility for the customer process and act accordingly

  • Apply our expertise to improve the overall certificate management process

  • Process certificate orders within the customer’s existing ticket system if required

  • Provide technical support for ordering and processing certificates

  • Hold regular follow-up meetings with customer about our collaboration

  • Monitor and develop certificate management in the follow-up meetings

Before implementing our certificate management program, we will conduct a thorough analysis of the existing system in place and, based on this, existing certificate management processes will be improved and security strengthened.

PhishMan – Simulates Phishing Messages

By simulating phishing messages, PhishMan trains your end users to protect themselves from malicious phishing. The service is based on a pioneering solution from Cofense, fully tailored to meet the customer’s needs. ‘Tailored’ means the simulations are targeted in the same way criminals would target the customer with their messages, except the simulation is completely safe.

PhishMan is a service comprising of:

  • a start-up meeting to commission the work and define when simulations begin

  • monthly reporting

  • quarterly collaborative meetings to make any necessary changes to the simulations

  • a series of scheduled simulations tailored to the customer’s particular operating environment

  • training materials produced specifically for each phishing simulation

These simulations allow an organisation to significantly improve its ability to resist phishing attempts, and provides the means to quickly and easily report any suspicious messages via a single button in an email app.

Training Courses

We train customers in digital certification and public key infrastructure (PKI). Our courses can be tailored to each customer’s needs on a case-by-case basis and can be taught remotely or in person.

Examples of our courses:

Training on Digital Certificates

A half-day course focusing on certificate security, different types of certificates, and common uses for digital certificates.

The Best TLS Training in the World

A two-day course where you dive deep into the world of SSL/TLS certification and online PKI.


We mainly provide our customers with advice about digital certificates, digital signatures and PKI environments. We can, for instance, help customers assess the current state and security of their digital certificates and how they are being managed, and give them best practice suggestions for developing their use and improving security.

Consultancy case study:

  1. One of our global customers operates on more than one continent and has extensive access to certificates in a variety of environments – often outsourced to other service providers. The customer wanted to make sure that the certificate ordering across these other services corresponded to internal processes and requirements.

  2. We held international training for both the outsourced and in-house service providers, which covered the topics of certificate ordering, the latest industry-related information on certificates, and best practices. The customer was able to streamline their certificate management and was very satisfied with our service.